Project name: COMMIT

Low-Carbon SME Development and Transition


The industrial transition to a low-carbon economy poses a major challenge for regions developing or transforming their SME base towards low-carbon activities, while avoiding 'carbon leakage' (i.e. not allowing firms to evade emissions rules), providing 'good jobs' and not worsening territorial inequalities. As large industries decarbonise, SMEs in supply chains are under pressure to adapt their processes to stay in business. However, many SMEs, especially micro-enterprises, have limited resources and lack access to information, finance, technology and skills.

The potential for providing effective and efficient support to SMEs to exploit the potential of low carbon activities varies considerably across European regions, depending on SME profiles, development pathways and public and private sector capacity. Effective support should include a bottom-up approach through partnerships and joint working, especially with SMEs themselves. All these findings are confirmed by several recent reports by the EC, EIB, ESPON and OECD.

Policymakers need to be better equipped to support the greening of entrepreneurship and SMEs, recognising the diversity of SMEs and entrepreneurs and the role of sub-national governments.

Aim of the Project:

The overall objective of the COMMIT project is to assist local and regional authorities in developing an ecosystem to support SMEs for the industrial transition.


The project includes 11 partners from 7 countries - Slovenia, Netherlands, Denmark, Spain, Bulgaria, Norway and Greece.

Duration of the project: 1 April 2024 – 30 June 2028