
Research and assessment of the real economic potential of the Stara Zagora region and its development opportunities.

[1] according to item 15 of the Framework for State Aid for Scientific Research, Development and Innovation, (2014/C 198/01)
[2] according to item 15 of the Framework for State Aid for Scientific Research, Development and Innovation, (2014/C 198/01)

Members and Partners


D-r Rumyana Grozeva

Executive Director

Dr. Rumyana Grozeva has a PhD in economics from the Institute for Economic Research of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Her PhD builds on her Master's degree from the University of National and World Economy, focusing on sustainable regional development. She has 7 years of experience in state administration. Since 2008 she is the executive director of SZ REDA. From 2018 until 2021 is a member of the Board of Directors of Zagore Industrial Zone. From April 2021 is the coordinating manager of the European Digital Innovation Hub Zagore. She is also a teacher at Sofia University and Thrace University. A well-known and sought-after expert and lecturer on international projects and events.

Ivanka Museva

Chief Accountant


Miglena Georgieva

Financial Manager


Mariya Hristova

Administration Manager

My name is Maria Hristova. I graduated from a language high school with a profile in English and German. I subsequently gained a C1 Advanced Certificate from Cambridge English Qualifications. I have experience with oral and written translations from and to English in various fields incl. of technical documentation. I graduated from the Technical University in the city of Varna, majoring in Computer Systems and Technologies. I have many years of experience in the position of Personal Assistant to the Executive Director, I have dealt with many administrative activities, I have worked in a large team (over 500 people), I have participated in the organization of business trips, meetings, events, team-buildings. Currently, I am the Administrative Manager at SZREDA.

Adriyan Hristov

Expert international programs and projects


Биляна Пепа

Expert international programs and projects

Bilyana Pepa holds a bachelor's degree in psychology from the University of Social and Political Sciences "Pantheon" in Athens, Greece and a master's degree in agronomy from Burgas Free University, Burgas. She specialized for one year at Euro University Hospital in Alexandroupolis, Greece, where she developed practical skills and expanded her professional experience. She currently holds the position of expert on international and European projects in SZREDA. She likes the dynamism and diversity that this sector offers. She believes that communication with people from different cultural backgrounds and familiarization with diverse cultures contribute significantly to personal growth and deepens the process of self-knowledge. She is fluent in Greek and English, which helps her navigate confidently in an international environment.

Vasil Demirev

Expert international programs and projects

Vasil Demirev is a Master of Law with many years of experience in the non-governmental sector in the field of social entrepreneurship. He is the creator of mentoring programs and events for young people to develop their personal and professional opportunities. Public figure, initiator and organizer of a number of humanitarian projects, in his capacity as a member and past president of the Stara Zagora Rotary Club.

Gabriela Kacheshmarova

Expert international programs and projects

Gabriela Kacheshmarova is an IT enthusiast with a humanistic approach, and she skillfully set out to translate the complex language of technology in an accessible and comprehensible way for everyone. With a variety of qualifications and diplomas in various fields, she constantly strives to enrich her knowledge and skills to stay abreast of the dynamic world of innovation. She is interested in psychology and business communication, which helps her better understand human needs and motivation. She loves to discover new cultures and believes that every encounter enriches the personality. Through her efforts, she strives not only to inspire, but also to create solutions that enrich people's lives.

Nikolay Kolev

Expert international programs and projects

Eng. Nikolay Kolev is a native of Stara Zagora. He has bachelor's and master's degrees from "Burgas Free University", majoring in "Informatics and computer science" and "Technical safety and electrotechnical expertise". He has 20 years of experience in the energy sector, in the last two of which he was deputy head of a department, and 8 years of experience in preparing technical expertise. In his spare time, he likes to travel and walk in nature. He is part of the team of SZREDA since 2024.

Tea Turlakova

Expert international programs and projects

Теа Турлакова е експерт международни проекти и програми. Специализира се в областта на социалните иновации и комуникацията, с особено внимание към хората и тяхното благосъстояние. Притежава две бакалавърски степени, придобити в чужбина: в сферата на бизнес администрацията и на социологията. Като част от проектите, координирани от агенцията, тя се фокусира върху изграждането на устойчиви общности и насърчаването на социална ангажираност. Теа има опит в разработването на стратегии, които свързват индивидуалните нужди с по-широки социални цели. Тя вярва, че успешните инициативи трябва да бъдат в центъра на общността, и активно работи за насърчаване на участието на местните жители в различни проекти.

Mariya Dineva

Експерт програми и проекти


Daniela Dimova

European integration expert


Dobromira Yotovska

European integration expert

Dobromira Yotovska was born in Stara Zagora, where she completed her secondary education at the "Romain Rolland" Public School with a profile of German and English, and in the meantime participated in the "Zagorche" Children's and Youth Folk Ensemble, where she learned to play the gadulka. She got a bachelor's degree in European studies at Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", and subsequently a master's degree in communications at "St. Cyril and Methodius" University of Veliko Tarnovo. Driven by her curiosity and the desire to learn about other cultures, she spent 4 years in Germany and a 5-month internship in Portugal, often traveling throughout Europe. In 2022 she returns to Bulgaria to look for a field useful for society in her hometown - and finds it in SZREDA. Some of her favorite activities are traveling, hiking in the mountains, learning languages, good books and movies.

Katya Dyankova

European integration expert


Nevena Dimitrova-Kircheva

European integration expert

Nevena Dimitrova is a professional with over 20 years of experience and expertise in the field of corporate communications, branding, advertising and event management, media relations, protocol and public relations. As part of the team of two international companies in the energy sector, Nevena gained extensive experience in managing projects of various scale and nature in the field of Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development, building and strengthening an employer brand, volunteering. In addition to communications, her passion is photography, nature walks and travel. Joins SZREDA in 2024. as part of the team of "Europe Direct - Stara Zagora".

Polya Toncheva

European integration expert

Polya Toncheva is an expert with over 10 years of experience in the non-governmental sector and a higher education, majoring in Computer Systems and Technologies from the Technical University - Sofia. She has in-depth knowledge and practical experience with European projects in the field of biodiversity, successfully combining her technical skills with an understanding of European policies and programs. Outside of work, she enjoys spending time in nature, hiking, horseback riding, sports, and fine wine tasting—hobbies that fuel her pursuit of balance and sustainability in her personal and professional life.

Mariya Andreeva

Public relations expert

Maria Andreeva is a communications specialist, blogger and journalist with an irresistible passion for tourism, food and wine. She has a completed bachelor's degree in "Public Relations" from SU "St. Kliment Ohridski" and over 15 years of communication experience in media, marketing agencies and personal projects. She has worked for over 10 years as an international editor in national print media and over 7 years in the field of digital marketing and online content creation for businesses. For her, writing is a way of life – not only in work, but also in everyday life. It is best combined with travel, food and wine to transport us to more beautiful, more exciting and tastier worlds. At SZREDA, she took on the responsible task of communication manager of the most delicious SMEOrigin project.

Iva Zhekova

Communications specialist

Iva Zhekova was born in Sofia, where she completed her higher education, majoring in English Philology at Sofia University "Kliment Ohridski". She repeatedly participated in eco-oriented campaigns - cleaning of green and urban areas, reservoirs and campaigns dedicated to environmental protection. A nomad at heart, she changed different destinations for residence and after graduating from university she moved to Stara Zagora, where she worked in the field of trade and communications and found her way to SZREDA. Loves nature, horseback riding, archery, photography, handicrafts and is also a folk dance director at a folk arts school.

Антоанета Желева


Антоанета е родом от гр. Стара Загора. Завършва средно образование в Гимназия с преподаване на чужди езици „Ромен Ролан“ с профил френски и английски език. В момента е студентка трета година в Нидерландия в HAN University of Applied Sciences със специалност „Комуникации“. По време на обучението си Антоанета придобива сертификати по езици и развива маркетингови стратегии за няколко международни бранда, базирани в Нидерландия. В момента стажува в Агенцията за регионално икономическо развитие (АРИР), където се фокусира върху стратегическите комуникации и проекти. Свободното си време посвещава на фотографията, като има няколко награди от фотографски конкурси.