SZREDA was established in 1995 with the support of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and is determined within the meaning of Art. 2 of the Law on Non-Profit Legal Entities as a non-profit association for carrying out public benefit activities to achieve the goals and fulfill the tasks listed below.
Членовете на Агенцията са 10 от 11-те общини в област Стара Загора: Стара Загора, Чирпан, Казанлък, Николаево, Братя Даскалови, Мъглиж, Павел баня, Опан и Раднево; Тракийски университет; Българо-германски център за професионално обучение; Търговско-промишлена палата;
The main goal of SZREDA is to support the establishment and implementation of mechanisms for managing the processes of successful integration in the European Community of local and regional authorities and businesses in the region by developing policies at a regional and local level aimed at sustainable development and stimulating its economic development.
Агенцията е член на Българската асоциация на агенциите за регионално развитие и бизнес центрове (БАРДА) и работи в партньорство с Изпълнителна агенция за насърчаване на малките и средни предприятия, Българската агенция за инвестиции и други институции и организации, работещи в подкрепа на предприемачеството и икономическото развитие на регион Стара Загора.
SZREDA has a wide range of partners and clients from the region - small and medium enterprises, municipalities, government institutions, non-profit organizations, citizens. The agency partners with a number of national and international organizations and provide services to foreign companies. By letter of MEET 12-00-1635 / 29.11.2011, Stara Zagora Regional Economic Development Agency was notified that it is registered as a Regional Tourist Association in the National Tourist Register on the grounds of Art. 59, para 1 in connection with art. 61 of the Tourism Act.
Research and assessment of the real economic potential of the Stara Zagora region and its development opportunities.
Developing strategies
for overall and sectoral development of the economy and assistance in their implementation
Preparation and management.
implementation of initiatives to popularize the region and attract national and foreign investments.
Regional development cluster
Training and retraining of staff
включително безработни, с оглед задоволяване на настоящи и бъдещи нужди на преструктурирането и развитието на икономиката
Helping the local
and business, as well as other interested persons and organizations from the region in establishing business contacts and building business relations in Bulgaria, the EU and third countries
Organizing meetings and seminars
изложби, панаири и други с оглед на развитието и популяризирането на местния бизнес
Publication, printing and distribution of brochures
information bulletins, advertising materials and others necessary for the activities of SZREDA, businesses, local authorities, etc.
Assistance in finding sources of financing
Осигуряване на достъп до донорски програми, кредитни институции, кредитни линии, гаранционни фондове и други
Consulting businesses and municipalities
in preparation, management and reporting of projects, funding from the EU and other sources, including “feasibility study”[1]
Shared workspace
consulting and information services, including supporting innovation[2]
Digitization and access to innovation
[1] according to item 15 of the Framework for State Aid for Scientific Research, Development and Innovation, (2014/C 198/01)
[2] according to item 15 of the Framework for State Aid for Scientific Research, Development and Innovation, (2014/C 198/01)
Members and Partners

D-r Rumyana Grozeva
Executive Director
Miglena Georgieva
Financial Manager

Mariya Hristova
Administration Manager

Биляна Пепа
Expert international programs and projects

Vasil Demirev
Expert international programs and projects

Gabriela Kacheshmarova
Expert international programs and projects

Nikolay Kolev
Expert international programs and projects

Tea Turlakova
Expert international programs and projects
Daniela Dimova
European integration expert

Dobromira Yotovska
European integration expert

Katya Dyankova
European integration expert

Nevena Dimitrova-Kircheva
European integration expert

Polya Toncheva
European integration expert

Mariya Andreeva
Public relations expert

Iva Zhekova
Communications specialist
Антоанета Желева