Project name: GreenSmartMed

"Green and Resilient European Excellence Network for Smart MED SMEs"


The aim of GREENSMARTMED is to integrate and build on the methodologies developed in the Interreg EuroMED GREENOMED and FinMED projects and, using the GREEN GROWTH community, to develop, test and make transferable the new integrated methodology and associated toolkit.

The GREENSMARTMED methodology and toolkit aim to improve trans-regional collaboration between the stakeholders of the quadruple helix in the 5 participating regions (Italy, Spain, France, Greece and Bulgaria) to create a European community capable of embracing innovation for green and sustainable production, contributing to research and deployment of innovation strategies for smart specialisation (RIS3) and helping SMEs to turn sustainability challenges into opportunities and establish opportunities for sustainable bussines development.

Testing the GREENSMARTMED methodology and toolkit in regions with different levels of economic development will allow the development of a widely applicable methodology in Europe.

Aim of the Project:

Based on RIS3 of the participating countries, the target sectors are:

  • Machinery
  • Textile
  • Plastics
  • Agri-food
  • Mobility and batteries

The focus will be on solutions, technology transfer and business practices aimed at sustainable materials/chemicals, energy and resource optimization and emission reduction.


The project involves 10 partners from 5 different countries, namely Italy, Spain, France, Greece and Bulgaria.

Duration of the project: 1 January 2024 - 30 September 2026